15 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World
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15 Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World

The future is here and it’s about to start getting insane. Technological development in recent years has been pretty crazy. Just think about what a smartphone can do now compared to one of those huge bricks from the 80s or even how far we’ve come since playing snake on our Nokia’s back in the early 2000s. But it’s not just smartphones that are changing, new tech is going to completely change our lives in ways you can hardly imagine. From the new brand of virtual glasses to the satellite launcher that changes everything, here are 20 emerging technologies that will change our world.

1. Mojo Visions: Invisible Computing

Mojo Vision is at the forefront of technology, shaping the future of computing with its visionary concept of Invisible Computing. This forward-thinking approach imagines a world where information is effortlessly accessible, technology seamlessly blends into our everyday experiences, and connections with others are more meaningful and confident.

At the heart of Mojo Vision’s innovation is their flagship product, an Augmented Reality (AR) contact lens currently in development. This groundbreaking device aims to deliver a truly hands-free experience, empowering users to access information whenever they need it. By overlaying digital content onto the user’s real-world view, the AR contact lens enables intuitive interactions with digital information.

The Mojo Lens has garnered significant recognition, including praise from NASA. It was honored as a winner of the 2020 NASA iTech Cycle, providing the company with invaluable mentorship, guidance for commercialization and development, and opportunities to connect with investors.

With its potential applications ranging from Earth to space, the Mojo Lens holds immense promise. In space, it could enhance the capabilities of Artemis xEMU space suit helmets by providing overlays within the natural field of vision without obstructing eyesight. On Earth, the AR lens aims to reduce screen time by delivering notifications seamlessly, without causing interruptions.

Despite the challenges inherent in developing compact image and motion sensors, as well as addressing power requirements, Mojo Vision remains steadfast in its progress. Their vision of Invisible Computing represents a significant leap forward in integrating technology into our daily lives, promising a future where technology enhances rather than hinders human experiences.

2. Spin Launch

Spin Launch is an innovative American company that’s shaking up the satellite launch industry. Instead of sticking to the conventional rocket propulsion methods, Spin Launch has devised a groundbreaking approach using a high-speed spinning machine fueled by kinetic energy.

This revolutionary technology, dubbed the kinetic energy space launch system, cuts back on the reliance on traditional chemical rockets. The system employs a vacuum-sealed centrifuge to spin a rocket at mind-blowing speeds before launching it into space at speeds of up to 4,700 mph. Once in motion, the rocket fires up its engines at an altitude of about 200,000 ft to reach orbital speeds, all while carrying payloads of up to 200kg.

Spin Launch’s fresh take on space launches brings with it the potential to drastically slash costs and increase launch frequency. Projections suggest that it could significantly reduce the price tag of launches, making them more affordable and energy-efficient. This not only benefits the industry financially but also paves the way for more sustainable space exploration.

Founded in 2014 by Jonathan Yaney in Sunnyvale, California, Spin Launch has garnered substantial support. By September 2022, the company had raised an impressive $150 million in funding from notable investors like Kleiner Perkins, Google Ventures, and Airbus Ventures.

Despite facing challenges and skeptics, Spin Launch has been making steady progress in its mission to transform space launches. With successful test flights reaching heights of up to 30,000 feet and securing launch contracts from prestigious entities like NASA, the company is proving that its innovative approach holds promise.

Spin Launch’s disruptive technology marks a significant step forward for the space industry, promising a future where space exploration is more accessible and sustainable.

3. Graphene and Graphene Oxide

Graphene, a type of carbon allotrope, stands out as an extraordinary material characterized by a single layer of atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Despite its astonishingly thin structure—just one atom thick—it boasts unparalleled strength, earning the title of the strongest material ever measured.

One of graphene’s most notable attributes lies in its exceptional conductivity. It efficiently conducts both heat and electricity along its plane while exhibiting remarkable transparency due to its ability to absorb light across all visible wavelengths. This dual nature of conductivity and transparency has earned it widespread recognition and applications across various industries.

Thanks to its outstanding mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties, graphene has found utility in diverse fields ranging from electronics to biomedicine. Major players like Huawei and Ford have already harnessed graphene’s potential to enhance the performance and durability of their products. Huawei employs graphene for heat management in smartphones, while Ford integrates it into vehicle components to reduce noise and enhance strength.

Despite its humble beginnings, with a global market of $9 million in 2012 primarily driven by research and development activities in semiconductor, electronics, and battery sectors, graphene’s potential is boundless. As companies continue to explore its applications and researchers delve into its properties, graphene remains a focal point of scientific and technological advancement, poised to revolutionize multiple industries.

4. GPS3

The upcoming Global Positioning System (GPS) III marks a significant evolution in navigation and tracking technology, promising greater accuracy and reliability compared to its predecessor. Developed by Lockheed Martin Space Systems for the United States Air Force, this advanced system comprises the first ten GPS III satellites, intended to enhance the functionality of the Navstar Global Positioning System.

With up to three times the accuracy and a stronger signal, GPS III is primed to modernize the existing GPS satellite constellation, integrating new technology and capabilities to meet the demands of modern navigation. This includes the implementation of new ground stations, additional navigation signals, and improved performance for both civilian and military users, aiming to enhance accuracy and availability across the board.

The impact of GPS III will be felt across various sectors, from transportation and logistics to emergency services. In transportation, the heightened accuracy and reliability of GPS III can revolutionize route planning and tracking, potentially leading to significant time and resource savings. Similarly, for emergency services, the enhanced precision can play a critical role in swiftly locating individuals in distress.

Despite encountering challenges and setbacks along the way, progress in the development and deployment of GPS III has been substantial. With its advanced capabilities and potential to transform navigation and tracking systems, GPS III represents a significant advancement in positioning, navigation, and timing technology, poised to shape the future of global positioning systems.

5. Smart Floating Farms

Smart Floating Farms (SFF) emerge as a modern solution to the ever-growing global food demand. These groundbreaking farms are engineered to float on water bodies, utilizing cutting-edge technology for crop cultivation and livestock rearing.

The concept of SFF was conceived by Forward Thinking Architecture, a forward-looking design firm based in Barcelona. Their vision involves expansive triple-deck agriculture barges featuring fish farms at the bottom, hydroponic gardens on top, and solar panels adorning the roofs to power operations. These farms are designed to operate autonomously, aligning with current sustainability trends by preserving arable land, sourcing organic food locally, and promoting environmental protection and self-sufficiency.

By tapping into water resources and maximizing spatial efficiency, these smart floating farms have the potential to address the food needs of a growing global population. Their modular design allows for clustering to serve densely populated areas, while also adapting to challenges like rising sea levels and flooding, commonly faced by traditional agriculture.

The SFF project aims to mitigate food insecurity, enhance transparency in food production, and utilize clean energy to produce fresh food closer to communities. The designers envision a system that operates with minimal human intervention, underscoring the potential for efficient and automated food production.

In essence, Smart Floating Farms offer an innovative and potentially transformative solution to the world’s food challenges. With their blend of advanced technology, resource optimization, and sustainable practices, they hold promise in ensuring food security for generations to come.

6. Edge Computing

Edge computing marks a significant shift in our approach to computing and data processing. It entails distributing computing power to locations closer to where data is generated, resulting in quicker processing speeds and more immediate results.

This decentralized computing framework brings enterprise applications closer to data sources like IoT devices or local edge servers. This proximity to data origins offers notable business advantages, including swifter insights, enhanced response times, and improved bandwidth availability.

The concept of edge computing traces back to content distribution networks developed in the late 1990s to deliver web and video content from edge servers situated near users. Over time, these networks evolved to host applications and components on edge servers, laying the groundwork for commercial edge computing services.

Edge computing serves as an architectural approach rather than a specific technology, emphasizing location-sensitive distributed computing. By eliminating the need for data to travel over a network to a centralized cloud or data center for processing, latency is significantly reduced. This capability, especially when coupled with mobile edge computing on 5G networks, facilitates faster and more comprehensive data analysis, opening avenues for deeper insights, quicker responses, and enhanced customer experiences.

The potential impact of edge computing across industries is vast. In domains like autonomous vehicles, robotics, and smart devices, it enables real-time processing and analytics, critical for the smooth operation of these technologies. For instance, autonomous vehicles rely on immediate data processing for safe navigation, a capability made possible by edge computing.

In summary, edge computing’s ability to bring computation and data storage closer to where it’s needed stands to revolutionize diverse industries. By improving response times and optimizing bandwidth usage, it introduces a fresh perspective on computers and data processing.

7. Self-Healing Concrete

Self-healing concrete emerges as a groundbreaking technology poised to redefine the durability and sustainability of structures. This innovative concrete type possesses the remarkable ability to autonomously repair its own cracks, effectively sealing them and restoring the mechanical properties of the structural elements. Commonly referred to as self-repairing concrete, it leverages innate autogenous healing characteristics present in traditional concrete.

While traditional concrete can naturally heal small cracks over time through processes like continued hydration or carbonation, these methods have limitations, particularly in controlling the healing process and addressing larger cracks. To address this, self-healing concrete can be enhanced through modifications and additives. Various solutions exist, including mineral additions, crystalline admixtures, and superabsorbent polymers, to improve autogenous healing. Additionally, concrete can be engineered with built-in autonomous self-healing techniques, such as capsule-based, vascular, and microbiological methods.

The integration of self-healing concrete holds immense potential for extending the lifespan of buildings and infrastructure. By incorporating materials capable of repairing cracks and damage, it reduces the need for frequent maintenance, resulting in cost savings. Moreover, it enhances the longevity of concrete structures, contributing to their overall durability and environmental friendliness.

In essence, self-healing concrete represents a revolutionary advancement in the construction industry, offering a sustainable solution for improving the resilience and longevity of structures.

8. Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen fuel cells are gaining traction as a clean and efficient energy solution in the pursuit of sustainability. These devices function by converting hydrogen’s chemical energy into electricity, with water being the sole byproduct.

In a fuel cell, hydrogen enters through the anode, where it reacts with a catalyst, splitting into electrons and protons. The protons then travel through an electrolyte membrane to the cathode, while the electrons generate an electric current. Finally, at the cathode, protons combine with oxygen to form water.

Fuel cells find applications across various sectors, from powering vehicles like cars, buses, and trains to providing emergency backup power for critical facilities such as hospitals and data centers. Compared to conventional combustion-based technologies, fuel cells offer a more sustainable alternative, emitting fewer harmful pollutants.

In essence, hydrogen fuel cells represent a significant advancement in sustainable energy technologies, offering efficient energy conversion and versatile applications.

9. Lithium Metal Battery

Lithium metal batteries are a game-changer in energy storage, especially for electric vehicles (EVs). Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, these powerhouses utilize metallic lithium as the anode, setting them apart with their superior performance.

One major perk of lithium metal batteries is their ability to pack more power while staying lighter compared to lithium-ion ones. This is because they swap out the graphite anode for electroplated lithium metal, doubling the energy storage in the same space. Plus, the lithium metal anode weighs less than graphite, a big win for EVs.

The potential impact of lithium metal batteries on electric cars is huge. Picture next-gen EVs cruising 500 to 700 miles on a single charge, twice the range of current lithium-ion setups. But, there’s a catch. These batteries tend to lose capacity after a few charging cycles. Yet, researchers found a simple fix: draining the battery and letting it rest for a few hours can perk it right back up.

With their boost in performance, lithium metal batteries are making EVs more practical and eco-friendly for the long haul. They’re poised to shake up the EV industry, nudging us closer to a greener future in transportation.

10. 3D Printing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has come a long way, evolving from a prototyping tool to a full-on production powerhouse. This nifty process brings digital designs to life by building up layers of material to craft a 3D object.

What sets 3D printing apart is its knack for whipping up intricate shapes that are a headache to make by hand. Think hollow parts or internal truss structures that cut down on weight. It’s a win-win: less material waste and more sustainable manufacturing.

Big players like the automotive and aerospace industries are already hopping on the 3D printing bandwagon. They’re using it to churn out tools and parts faster and cheaper. In cars, for example, 3D printing can speed up the production of parts without breaking the bank.

The 3D printing market is poised for major growth in the years ahead. Thanks to advancements in precision and materials, it’s now considered a go-to for industrial-grade manufacturing. Plus, you’ll often hear folks toss around “additive manufacturing” as another way to say 3D printing.

In a nutshell, 3D printing is a game-changer for industries far and wide. It’s greener, more efficient, and promises to shake up how we make things in a big way.

11. Blockchain

Blockchain technology is like a digital watchdog, keeping tabs on transactions and assets in a super secure and transparent way. Picture it as a shared ledger that’s virtually impossible to tamper with, making it perfect for cutting out middlemen like banks or governments.

This tech isn’t just a buzzword; it’s poised to shake up industries across the board. In finance, it’s making transactions and contracts smoother and safer. Supply chains are getting a facelift too, with blockchain offering a clear view of product movements without any funny business. And in healthcare, patient data is staying safe and sound thanks to blockchain’s integrity.

What’s cool is that blockchain cuts out the need for those trusty middlemen, like auditors, who can be pricey and prone to errors. And since blocks of data are set in stone once they’re in, the only trust you need is right at the data entry point.

But that’s not all! Blockchain’s given birth to all sorts of nifty things like cryptocurrencies, DeFi apps, NFTs, and smart contracts. It’s a whole new world of possibilities, showing just how versatile this tech can be.

Long story short, blockchain’s here to stay, promising a safer, more transparent way to handle digital transactions across the board.

12. Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars, also referred to as autonomous vehicles (AVs), are a game-changer in transportation technology. These vehicles come equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and artificial intelligence systems that enable them to perceive their surroundings and navigate without human intervention.

Using a combination of radar sensors, lidar sensors, video cameras, and AI algorithms, self-driving cars can interpret their environment and make decisions regarding steering, acceleration, and braking autonomously.

The emergence of self-driving cars holds the promise of revolutionizing our current transportation systems. With the potential to operate without human error, these vehicles could drastically reduce the number of accidents on our roads. The World Health Organization estimates that over 1.3 million people die annually in road traffic crashes, and autonomous vehicles have the potential to significantly lower these numbers.

Moreover, self-driving cars could also alleviate traffic congestion. By communicating with one another and coordinating their movements, AVs could navigate traffic more efficiently than human drivers, leading to smoother traffic flow and reduced gridlock.

Despite their promising potential, there are still hurdles to overcome before self-driving cars become commonplace. Regulatory challenges, public acceptance, and the need for infrastructure improvements all pose significant obstacles. Nevertheless, companies and research institutions are actively addressing these issues, and progress is being made.

As of early 2024, no fully autonomous system has been achieved, but several companies are making strides in that direction. Waymo, for instance, has pioneered the offering of rides in self-driving taxis to the public in various US cities. Additionally, companies like Honda and Mercedes-Benz are introducing vehicles with varying levels of autonomous capability.

In summary, self-driving cars represent a major advancement in transportation tech. With their potential to enhance road safety and ease traffic congestion, they could profoundly impact our daily lives and society as a whole.

13. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are game-changing technologies that have the potential to reshape our perception of reality. VR transports users into a completely digital environment, essentially replacing their immediate surroundings with a simulated reality. This is made possible through VR headsets equipped with built-in screens and lenses that deliver slightly different images to each eye. Coupled with sensors to track head movements, VR creates the illusion of a three-dimensional space where users can freely explore.

On the flip side, AR enhances our real-world environment by layering digital elements onto it. Devices like the Microsoft HoloLens and smart glasses overlay digital information onto our field of view, seamlessly integrating virtual content with the real world.

These technologies have found diverse applications across various industries. In entertainment and gaming, VR delivers immersive gaming experiences, while AR games like Pokemon Go have revolutionized mobile gaming. In healthcare, VR aids in therapy and surgical training, while AR provides surgeons with real-time imaging and patient data during operations. In education, VR and AR offer interactive and captivating learning experiences, from virtual field trips to interactive textbooks.

Furthermore, there’s a growing trend towards mixed reality experiences, blending elements of both VR and AR. With the rise of consumer VR devices, upcoming technologies like Apple’s Vision Pro, and AR features on smartphones, distinguishing between VR and AR can sometimes be confusing. However, the key distinction lies in immersion: VR fully immerses users in a digital environment, whereas AR enhances the real world with digital overlays.

As these technologies advance, they hold the promise of transforming how we engage with digital content, opening up new possibilities for work, learning, and play.

14. Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is an exciting medical breakthrough aimed at tackling diseases by targeting their genetic roots. It works by either fixing or swapping out faulty genes with healthy ones, essentially correcting genetic disorders from within.

This cutting-edge method borrows techniques from regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. By utilizing the building blocks needed to construct muscle and fat, it mimics the natural biological processes found in animals, resulting in cultivated meat that’s virtually identical to the real deal at the cellular level.

The concept of gene therapy gained traction back in the early 2000s, and we’ve come a long way since then. The first successful nuclear gene transfer in humans happened as far back as May 1989. Fast forward to today, and we’ve seen over 2,900 clinical trials conducted, with more than half of them reaching phase I.

Gene therapy holds immense promise for treating a wide range of diseases, including but not limited to cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia, and AIDS. It’s not just about treating illnesses; it’s about fundamentally improving human health by addressing genetic issues at their core.

Although still in its early stages, gene therapy has already achieved some remarkable milestones. For instance, the first commercial sale of cell-cultured meat took place in December 2020 at a restaurant in Singapore, featuring meat produced by the US-based firm Eat Just.

While much of the focus has been on common meats like pork, beef, and chicken, some companies are venturing into more exotic territory, such as elk, lamb, bison, and Wagyu beef. Others are exploring different species of fish and seafood.

The field is constantly evolving, driven by both companies and research institutions alike. The potential applications for cultured meat have sparked discussions across various fronts, from ethics and health to the environment and economics. In 2021 alone, cultivated meat companies in Europe managed to attract a staggering $140 million in funding.

Although gene therapy isn’t yet widely available, the progress made so far paints a promising picture for the future of this groundbreaking technology.

15. Cultured Meat

Cultivated meat, also known as cultured meat, is genuine animal meat produced by culturing animal cells in a lab. This groundbreaking technology bypasses the need for traditional livestock farming and holds the potential to transform the food industry. Offering a sustainable and ethical alternative to conventional meat production, cultured meat addresses concerns about animal welfare and environmental impact.

The process of cultivating meat utilizes tissue engineering techniques pioneered in regenerative medicine. By providing the essential elements required to build muscle and fat, it mimics the biological processes that occur inside an animal. As a result, cultivated meat is indistinguishable from conventional meat at the cellular level.

The concept of cultured meat gained traction in the early 2000s, notably with Jason Matheny co-authoring a paper on its production and establishing New Harvest, the first non-profit organization dedicated to in-vitro meat research. In 2013, Mark Post created a hamburger patty from tissue grown outside of an animal, sparking media attention and further research into cultured meat prototypes.

Cultivated meat has the potential to address various pressing issues, including the environmental impact of meat production, animal welfare, food security, and human health. Notably, it offers a promising avenue for mitigating climate change. The first commercial sale of cell-cultured meat took place in December 2020 at a restaurant in Singapore, featuring meat manufactured by the US firm Eat Just.

While initial efforts have focused on common meats like pork, beef, and chicken, companies like Orbillion Bio are exploring high-end or unusual meats such as elk, lamb, bison, and Wagyu beef. Additionally, some companies are delving into different species of fish and other seafood.

The production process for cultured meat continues to evolve, driven by both companies and research institutions. Its applications have sparked discussions across ethical, health, environmental, cultural, and economic realms. In 2021, cultivated meat companies in Europe attracted $140 million in funding.

Although cultured meat is not yet widely available, the industry shows immense promise. With ongoing progress and advancements, cultured meat holds the potential to revolutionize the way we approach meat production and consumption.

These 15 emerging technologies represent the cutting edge of innovation and have the potential to change our world in significant ways. From invisible computing to self-driving cars and gene therapy, these advancements will shape our future and redefine how we live, work, and interact with the world around us.

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